About Me & My Blog

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I cannot remember the books I’ve read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

About Me:

I’m a reader. A reader like you. A voracious reader. A bookworm, a lector, a bibliophile, a… please feel free to continue. I’m a lot of other things besides this, of course, but for someone who writes a book blog, this seems to be the most important attribute.

I read anywhere and everywhere, including the bath tub, and despite my best efforts, I have ruined many a good book by dropping them into the water. As a consequence, my loving family will not, under any circumstances, lend their books to me anymore, and it’s lucky we’ve got quite differing tastes anyway. I drowned so many books that I became quite a specialist in wet book rescue. If you’ve just dropped a book in your bath, please refer to my instructions on the Wet Book Rescue page.

In addition to being a reader, I have graduated in literature (twice, in different languages) so you’re supposed to take me twice as seriously.

About My Excuses for Book Blogging:

I haven’t got any. My family have already heard my opinions on books, so I decided to spare them and bore the world instead. Unlike my family, nobody out there actually has to listen!

About My Blog:

This is not one of those book review sites where you get little pictures of books with n number of stars and links to buy them and earn the blogger money. I’m not going to sell you anything; at least not until I became a famous book blogger, the probability of which is remote. It’s more like random thoughts on books I read (with the occasional inspired review). And sometimes on other topics.

I read all sorts of stuff: including some real rubbish. I’m unlikely to blog much about real rubbish, however, because it seldom inspires thoughts worth typing up. So my blog is mostly about classics (ancient and modern), history and travel because these are the sort of books I tend to read in addition to rubbish. (Readers of romance and similar cheesy stuff, you’ve been forewarned!)

If you look at the right sidebar, you can see a more or less representative selection of posts for ease of browsing followed by an index below. The virtual bookshelves are accessible via the menu on top.

Certain topics now run as series. You can recognise them by their little picture links in the sidebar.


I’m not English. 🙂 So please excuse any mistakes.

If you wish to contact me, please use this contact form.

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Last updated: 02/01/20